Monday, July 16, 2007


My blog is under construction. Please still visit. I will still be writing.

So my twiner and I went to Wendy's earlier tonight. On our walk over we were dancing and singing cause, quite frankly, that's what we do. It's enjoyable because people give you funny looks. Anyways, we were at Wendy's talking about how were are slowly becoming one person. All the sudden a shower of straw covers attacks. Ok, ok, I know what your thinking. It was one straw cover. It was not a little tiny kid, it was a kid probably about 12 or 13. Lol. So funny.

So my twin [Katrina] and I have now referred to us as being one person about 50 times. We were talking on the phone to Walley* and I said, “we're a dork!” Another time we we're on the phone with him and Twiny said, “Stop laughing he's going to think we're more then one person!” Also talking to my parent I referred to my birthday party to being our party. Wow we're hotdogs...


Anonymous said...

AHHH! lauran i miss u so much! we need to hang out!