Sunday, July 1, 2007

Back From Camping

Camping was great my friends were in my tent but I was glad that all the people there I now consider my close friends.

The first day was kind of a slow day. All we did was sit around talk and eat. The second day we played games which made the day faster. We played an obstacle course which we had to climb up a tree so I was not happy to play at least the Superman team won! Oh, I neglected to tell you the theme for the camp was Super Hero's and Christ is our main Super Hero or supposed to be. The three tents were Wonder Woman, Superman, and Spiderman. I was a member of the Superman team. The third day we spent at the beach. Sadly I was tired and fell asleep, even with all that sunscreen I put on it didn't help. I am now burnt to a crisp. Ok not really but all over my body I have blisters and can hardly move. Yippy! Lol.