Sunday, December 9, 2007


As a people I feel like we take other peoples choices for granted. The only decisions in our life aren't just ours; we care too much about having our rights to do what we want when our decisions affect others more then they do us.

Think about these situations:

What if my parents never met because my dad never got the job at the gas station. Where would that leave me?

What if I never found out about NUAMES? [right Mandy (BETTER?) and Ines?]

What if my parents decided to not move to Centerville? What if we never got the house in Centerville? [right Dan and Levi?]

What if my variance got rejected to Bountiful Jr.? [right Matt and Andre`(even though we would have met anyway)?]

Here is the biggest question of all: What if my parents never moved us to Utah?

I think this year we should care more about what others choose to do and think about how our choices are affecting people. But we all have to remember that we have to do the stuff we feel too, because what if that person is gone soon?


Love/ Mandy said...

well. I think its true. that we alot of times forget where we are and forget the things that have happened to get us and other people to where we are. Its true that i may have never met lauren and many other people that i could have never run into. yes its choices but sometimes i believe its destiny or fate. Like, maybe God planed all this time that it was my destiny to go through hardships with friendships to learn lessons from it, and eventually i would meet wonderful people like Lauren, Maria, Kristen, Chel, Michelle, and Jake, and all my other friends at NUAMES! Anyway. Yes i agree with the choice things.
And this whole thing is why i think tomorrow i will do what im going to do because i may never get another chance due to other people's choices.

Dan said...

What if I never killed that one guy...?

Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

This is very heartfelt. :)

LRJohnson said...


What if dan never killed me?
